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Composability in Martech: How Marketo Keeps You Agile in a Rapidly Changing Landscape

This article delves into why composability is critical for businesses navigating the complex and evolving Martech landscape, especially with platforms like Marketo.

Drawing on Frans Riemersma’s insights, we explore how companies can build adaptable, flexible Martech stacks to stay ahead of the curve without being bogged down by unnecessary tools.

Key pointers

  • Why composability is the future of Martech and Marketo
  • How composable stacks help businesses adapt faster
  • The danger of “one-size-fits-all” software solutions
  • Steps to build a composable Martech stack with Marketo

1. Why composability matters in Martech and Marketo

Frans defines composability as the practice of using customizable, flexible tools like Marketo to build marketing stacks. It allows businesses to choose only the features they need, making their Martech investments both efficient and scalable.

“Composability isn’t just a strategy; it’s what we do. It’s about focusing on the handful of features that do the trick, rather than stuffing your stack with unnecessary tools.”

By focusing on composable solutions, businesses can avoid the all-too-common trap of buying into monolithic platforms that are difficult to adapt or customize. With Marketo, the ability to pick and choose the right features gives companies a strong advantage in maintaining flexibility.

2. The problem with overloaded stacks

One of the biggest challenges businesses face is trying to adopt platforms that promise to do everything but ultimately complicate their workflows. Frans emphasizes the importance of scaling down to what is essential—something that Marketo can help achieve when used thoughtfully.

“We think we need all the features, but most of them are distractions. The more features you have, the less value you get.”

This reflects the need for companies to simplify their approach, using only the tools and Marketo features that align with their marketing and business goals, rather than overwhelming their system with unnecessary capabilities.

3. Steps to build a composable Martech stack with Marketo

Frans advises businesses to take a step-by-step approach when building their Martech stack, including Marketo:

1. Start with customer needs

Begin by identifying your customers’ pain points. What do they need, and how can technology, especially Marketo, help meet those needs?

2. Prioritize features over tools

Instead of investing in all-in-one platforms, focus on the specific Marketo features that will drive the most value.

3. Keep your stack agile

Choose tools like Marketo that can be easily modified and scaled as your business and customer needs evolve.

“Software vendors like to sell you as many features as possible, but in reality, most companies need only a handful of tools to make a big impact.”

By following this approach, businesses can build a composable Martech stack that meets their current needs without overwhelming their teams with unnecessary complexity.

4. Linking to Martech tools: efficient stacks with Marketo

Composable Martech stacks, including Marketo, give businesses the flexibility to adapt quickly without being locked into expensive and cumbersome platforms. Tools that allow easy integration and modification can empower businesses to stay agile and responsive to customer demands.

For expert advice on how to make the most of your Marketo setup and build a composable stack, visit our Marketo Consulting Services.

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